Wednesday 13 December 2017

CONSTRUCTION POST: 3 days of filming

Day 1 of filming we filmed in Waterloo Graffiti tunnel
Our start time was 9:50 this is because we needed the tunnel to be empty so we chose 9;50 am because most people would be at work and this shows us carrying the dolly.

Our first try in filming, we were trying out angles, lighting and which end of tunnel we should film in, we had two cameras i shot long shots whilst the other filmed close ups

this is when we settled down in the waterloo tunnel,we needed the dolly for the tracking shots and smooth shots so this is us setting it up

this represents the two cameras we used, this shows the smoother dolly shots and the extreme close ups which we filmed. with two cameras we gained more angles and shots

this shows our useage of space and change of angles, also our two cameras are featured which shows the different angles we chose
this clip shows our journey we had to use two tubes to get to the location however we chose non busy hours so we got there in 1hour which is managable
this is us viewing the area, looking for sections of the tunnel to use for filming, we looked at graffiti which we though would look good such as the one on the ceiling or the one with the girl drawn on.

Day two: hounslow treaty centre car park:

here it shows how we recorded we had the song playing through speaker this allowed us to know what parts we need to film for the section of the song. We also needed to repeat a verse and re shoot which is why one filmed other changed song/ re winded it

this was us looking at locations, looking around this one for sections which we can film a dance routine in. We all started preparing the camera and lighting.

this clip shows us trying different angles, and areas in the same location. additionally we looked at health and safety measures as i looked around in case cars were coming as its was a car park

This is our group member warming up for the dance scene and us checking if the lighting is good / looking around for cars coming.
This clip shows how we needed someone to change the song and rewind it to the specific scene which we need to shoot in this location. 
This is the behind the scenes, where we later switched who films so that me and my other group member each shoot certain scenes.
This sign we read it and it allowed us to film and what to do in case something happens which is important if a car runs us over or fire occurs while we film.
Day 3 of shooting: In our group members house:
This is us sending a message which would be shown on the camera where its filming the other phone which is receiving the text to make it seem as if he just got a text from a friend

This shows our creativity as we had one camera on a tripod and the other one was on books to make the camera angle low which would match the bed scene.

This clip shows our use of two camera which shows how we got more than one angle whilst shooting the same scene. This allows the editor to have more clips to chose from

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