Monday 18 December 2017

Final Product: Advert with audience feedback

  • we have showed our peers what we have created and they have showed various opinions on our  advert which is good because we are able to understand their point of view.
  • The main feedback we have received was that the picture does resemble the genre of rap based on the clothing of the character and the graffiti style image.
  • We have received comments that it includes what real adverts have seen of bands such as 'Chainsmokers' and 'Jay-z'. They said that it contains what is needed on a adverts e.g. the social media links like spotify and the website which will allow them to find out more about the music video.
  • its aesthetically pleasing to the eyes because of the colour scheme, the colour scheme is blue yellow and orange which is contrasted with the great background. the image stands out to the audience which allows them to link the image of bart simpson to our rapper
  • our audiences believed that the font size of the title and name make it easier to distinguish what this advert is about (which is a song) and his name is easily distinguishable as it the first thing you see when looking at the poster
  • based on my audience i was able to find out that the colour of grey on black makes the writing not stand out as she was not able to see the song/ album name.
  • The rating shown suggests that its like a movie as movie trailers have ratings on them which is what made them a bit confused about the intention of the advert. however they mentioned that because the rapper is crouching it makes it seem as if its a music video
  • the rapper was also an issue because he seems smaller than the image in the background of bart Simpson which means that the attention is on bart Simpson rather than on the rapper which is why he said to enlarge the image of the rapper to make it seem more about him. 
overall they believed that the advert is believable and it does convey and portray rap genre throughout it as the graffiti links to rap/hip hop, the outfit of the rapper and pose makes him seem more ghetto and more like the hip hop culture. the vibe and atmosphere of adverts is a gangster vibe which is good because it suggests a strong link with rap genre.however there are aspects which i would change about this advert such as the font colour, it blends in too much with the grey background so if i was to repeate this process i would try and experiment with more colours and placements of fonts.

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