Monday 9 October 2017

PLANNING: Initial Decisions with Audience Response

to watch these videos, press the youtube button on the videos 

Brief Evaluation on what was mentioned and what ideas we could use:
  • Based on our audience response to our music video we have understood that swearing is a key factor which impacts our music video which is why we will edit the song and make a cleaner version which will allow us to reach a wider target audience
  • On our other posts it shows our bleep cut of the swear words
  • They suggested to add a black box over our rapper saying the swear words which will allow us to target more audiences as our target is 16-24 year olds, the word is insinuated rather than said so more audiences would be aware about the song as more audiences can listen to it
  • we will show brands as its a convention of rap e.g. Jordan's or adidas to show how rappers wear such clothes 
  • they said to experiment with camera shots and dolly before hand to get a grip on how to use it, and to get the shots which are tracking shots.
  • practice before hand, go to the location, check what is available

    Brief Evaluation on what was mentioned and what ideas we could use:
    • lights, bring lights so that we can film in tunnel
    • film during day as the tunnel gets busy so film on a weekday to avoid lots of people walking into our shots
    • have shots that establish background e.g. long shots and dolly shots panning on graffiti
    • be careful of party shots e.g. we can make our own party so that its not too fake and it will seem packed as we get people who will not go overboard. add fast cuts to make it easier to use
    • smoke bombs might be hard to buy and might not work as we have to use it outside which could be too dark or too cold which can ruin the shots and effect of it
    • before party the pace will be slow and after the party it will increase to make the song match the narrative
    • with school scene we should not use our school, as it alienates our target market, to make the rapper seem more mature we will use the bus stop to make it seem as if he's leaving work or college rather than a school. Film this scene after school hours.
    • swear words can be avoided by  having scenes where dancers are dancing so that we can avoid the word being shown/ said by the rapper which would increase our target market reach

    Brief Evaluation on what was mentioned and what ideas we could use:

    •  we were able to find a time when to film e.g. in day time and we found a compromise e,g, in media lesson time to avoid filming at night/dark which will make the tunnel busy
    • we had already had an idea on how to make a party scene so we have an idea on how to film the party scene, we will also add fast cuts to make it more believable
    • we will have neon lights for our party scene so that its not just white lights
    this is the feedback we got on our idea and from this we can plan more and get  more prepared for filming, additionally with these suggestions we can base our story board on this which will make it easier to include the aspects which our feedback liked. we also have understood some aspects which may be hard to implement e.g. the smoke bomb which is why we should do more research if we can use such prop to enhance our video.

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