Friday 20 October 2017

PLANNING:Moodboard:Location Analysis and Audience feedback

Mood board for location from Anna Gajda

Location Analysis:
we chose locations such as the 'Waterloo Graffiti tunnel', 'Car park' and crew members house. we filmed this and chose these locations because we though that these are local and easily accessible which means that we wouldn't struggle with people getting into our shots. We would like to film in waterloo station as it contains graffiti which is bright coloured which matches the song of it being Friday which means that people are happier which the colours represent. The tunnel would be quite hidden which means not many people would be walking past and getting into our shots. The location of a carpark or a narrow street would be ideal as we can have a dolly shot of the singer rapping and dancing towards the camera whilst the camera goes back which allows to create an establishing shot. We would dance as most rap videos show dancing which means that body language can establish what the song is about we would have fast and energetic dancing which would give a vibe of friday which means that everyone is happy.

Audience feedback on location:
1.What genre do the pictures portray?

2.What kind of atmosphere are these pictures creating?

3.What age group do you think these pictures are aimed at?

4.Which gender do these pictures appeal to more?

5.Do these locations remind you of other songs which included these locations?

6.Do these images portray an interesting visual?

7.Would you be interested in a song if these locations were chosen?

8.What picture is the most appealing out of these?

Evaluating the results:
Based on this audience feedback we can see that these locations will portray our genre of rap/hip hop as that is what the audience have inferred from our locations. Additionally the atmosphere we want to create is evident in the audience response as they see that its about having fun, chilling with friends and partying which the song is about. we can also infer that our audiences are identifying what target market is suitable for the music video which is roughly 16-24 year olds which is what we will base our music video on. They mostly said the the graffiti scene is the most appealing which means that we will film there as it portrays our genre and seems to impact our audience the most.

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