Thursday 5 October 2017

RESEARCH: Digipak Analysis (Anderson)

What is a digipak?

The use of a digipak offers an audience much more than just a cd and cd cover. It is a marketing tool to give the chance for a buyer to have the hard copy rather then an online download.

What the point of a digipak?

Overall the use of a digipak is to:
  • promote an album
  • list the content of the album
  • make the CD eye-catching
  • tell us something about the musician and the music behind it
  • use art and images to express a message
  • add promotional materials e.g digipak and magazine advert
  • attract not only fans of the music, but also a wider audience 
The design of the digipak? 

This would include things such as:
  • Front
  • Back
  • Spine
  • and least four additional panels
Image result for digipak cd template

Addition panels would include some or all of the following:

  • Membrship postcard/flier
  • Lyric section
  • disk impresion
  • band info section/booklet
  • free image/poster  



On the digipak cover, the artists name is not mentioned however the main image on the cover is a medium long shot of Drake at a table with many golden items. The use of the colour gold gives off the impression to an audience that the album will conform the stereotype of rappers showing off their wealth. The name of the album 'Take Care' is also in gold and perhaps may show how money is something society take for granted. We also notice the main artist Drake looking downwards towards the name of the album which helps illustrate to the audience that the name must be symbolic to the artist himself. The fact that he does not look so happy around  many luxuary things challanges the sterotype of rap music where money is everything. The use of a gentle font also challenges the sterotype of rap music as it does not seem to be as agressive however it does suit the name of the album. On the top left we see how explicit content is used throughout the album and this conforms to the genre of rap
The logos at the bottom of the back of the albums shows Cash Money Records which helps an audience know who the artist was working with to create the album and the use of a different colour such as white helps make it more visual to someone who is reading the back cover. The names of the songs are also in gold, which may suggest his achievement in being able to create an album. The use of black helps the rest of the text stand out to the audience and the use of both black, gold and white contrast very well. Despite it having no picture, the text is able to fill the whole page. This helps make the back cover not seem that it is missing anything or making it look dull. At the back we see how there are no timings for the songs which is something that is mentioned in most albums. This may link to the impression how money is time however as Drake has all the money he needs it perhaps shows he does need time.

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