Sunday 22 October 2017

PLANNING: Shotlist

Shot list for TGIF from Anna Gajda

this is our shot list which we have created. With the use of this shot-list we can refer to this when we shoot our music video. This is important as this is a clear structure on how we want our music video to look like which is why we will try to implement these shots in our music video. Additionally we can see refer to this and add more shots which we will when creating our music video. We based these on our storyboard/animatic which has most of these shots and with this list ive included more shots which would be in chronological order. This is more of a visual for us to see and imagine in our heads how we want our music video to turn out. We will also use this shot list when filming so that we make sure all shots are taken in all angles.

Post production commentary:
we have updated our shot list and we have found that our music video is mostly  based on these shots which means that we added which take and try was the best. We added some extra scenes and shots whilst filming as we thought that having more shots and angles made is better when filming, we included long shots of the main character walking, we had  couple groups shots when champagne was opened and we had more close ups on the main characters face. Additionally when filming in the tunnel (Waterloo location graffiti tunnel) we wanted to capture the graffiti on the walls so we added panning shots on the graffiti to establish a scene and add the convention of a rap music video which is to show bright colours and art.

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