Thursday 19 October 2017

PLANNING: Storyboard Animatic

Audience feedback:

  • ''it represents our teen life and its something that i would watch'' this is a quote from when we showed our animatic to our peers they mentioned that it does resemble what happens on a Friday night getting drunk and the excitement of dressing up to go to one. they enjoyed the visuals we presented
  • we showed an image of a car and one feedback we have  gotten is that they probably won't be using cars to get to parties so they said that part is not that needed. we took that comment on board as it might show that we are promoting drunk driving
  • they enjoyed the visuals in terms of the scene where he's getting ready, that scene makes it believable that he's preparing for a party which most teens can relate to which our audience members did
  • the text on the screen makes the video more modern as it really make the story line flow as audience are able o understand what they are viewing

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