Friday 27 October 2017

RESEARCH: Camera Angles and Movement

Establishing shots

These shots are used to help show the audience the setting and location. These shots will only appear a couple times in the music video to give it a more cinematic look and also make the music video not look repetitive.

Close up

This shot helps an audience focus more on the character and his emotions rather then the setting and location.

Low angle shot

This shot is used so the audience are aware of their positioning in the scene, being higher than what they are looking at. This shot also helps to show how this is the main and most important character in the music video.

Two shot

This shot shows the the connection between the two characters. Here this shot shows how both characters enjoys 'Friday' as this day has the stereotype of going out and having fun.

Dolly shot

Panning shot

This shot helps to show more of the setting and location

Tilt shot

This shot helps to show more of the setting and location

Mid shot

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