Monday 23 October 2017

TECHNICAL: 3-Point Lighting

What is Three Point Lighting ?

The Standard 3-Point Lighting Technique. The Three Point Lighting Technique is a standard method used in visual media such as video, film, still photography and computer-generated imagery. It is a simple but versatile system which forms the basis of most lighting.

Image result for what is three point lighting

The reasons to why we use three point lighting is not only so that we see the whole shot but depending on where the lights are set up, it can help create an atmosphere. The size of the light, its colour temperature, and how powerful it is are all important technical pieces which help towards creating an atmosphere.

When planning towards our music video, we have noticed that some locations we have chosen to film have low lighting therefore using 3-point lighting would be needed as it will help reduce possible noise in our footage. These locations would of been our tunnel scene in waterloo and also the party scene. During filming in the tunnel scene our light sources where not bright enough to achieve a clear shot therefore we tried to film in areas that where more exposed to daylight for connivence in post production and also so that we can achieve more professional shots. These would have been the shots like the graffiti wall outside the tunnel and the stair entrance into the tunnel.

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