Saturday 21 October 2017

PLANNING:Moodboard:Costumes:Male and Female

Outfits we would include in our music video for male and female characters

Mood board for outfits from Anna Gajda

Costume analysis:
Based on our research we have found that the most common outfit for rappers is branded clothes such as Adidas, nike, supreme and Vans.We wanted to portray the conventions of rap genre so we will aim to include some branded clothes like Nike, Timberlands or Jordans which will allow the main character to show off his clothes as that is what rappers do in their videos they show off their watches, shoes and tops which are branded. We found that bomber jackets and hoodies are also present in rap videos which would be more suitable if we are filming outside as wearing a coat would make the main character fit the setting better if we do choose to film in the graffiti place 'Water loo'. Rappers also wear ripped jeans and have their hair slicked up or in a hat/beanie which is what we might include as that will allow audiences who watch rap videos to watch this one because they can connect the similarities between the videos of real music videos to ours.

For females we thought of not having revealing clothes this is because we want to keep it in our target market which is 16-24 and having women in bikinis or too revealing clothing can deter our target market which means we would limit our target age group. we decided to have ripped jeans crop tops and not too formal dresses for a party scene but more of jeans, tops which would be more applicable.

Audience feedback:
1.  Do you see yourself wearing such clothes?

2. What music genre do these clothes portray? e.g. rap, country,pop

3.Are you familiar with any of these brands?

4. what age groups would wear these clothes?

5. Would rappers wear such clothes?

6. Are these female clothes suitable for a party scene?

Analysing the results:
based on these results we see that our results we have gathered from our peers is that they would wear such clothes which means that we are targeting our target market of 16-24 year olds additionally the genre of rap is portrayed through the clothes presented which means that if we include such concepts of clothing in our video we will match conventions of rap which is to have branded clothes. With the brands presented we can see that the audience do recognise them which means that we can include such clothes which the audience will recognise which increases convention of rap genre being about brand deals and showing off clothes. We also see that the audience do think rappers wear such clothes which means that our person lip syncing the rap scene will look realistic as the clothes and the character would suit the role of the rapper.  We got responses that say that the female clothing is also suitable for a party scene which means that if we do include such scene we can be sure what to refer to as these show how audience have an idea about rappers and that its about rich, branded clothes with style.

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